04 May 2013

Hai and assalamualaikum to all my lovelies reader =)

Story may not be labelled by what we want to write. This love may not be the real as the same. Wondering, the faith has come and we're still didn't want to change. Want to keep the same. I am maybe not a good 'writer' to you. But at least, the story that I write, may as good the 'writer' I am here. The 'storyteller' may not be same as what they want to tell you. The'storyteller' just want to tell the things that may happen. This life, we'll never expect how it's gonna be. Unexpected things. I just had it.

My love story were just like going tumbling into this world. The end of this so closed to me. When? Please! Don't let it fall before the time. Upsetting me much cause we're gonna celebrate for the first year. Pathetic! My eyes like can't bear the tears anymore. Some will maybe said, I'm not unlike the girl just only asked for the sympathize with my fake tears just for a love. Come and I give you just for a second to be at my placed how that I feel. 

I knew, some other would be proud with my love story and how we've been through for this 11 months together. With what I'm telling them, "I am too much happy and we're getting 11 months of love and you will never know how happy I am with this! :)". Yet, behind of all the love, we've sometimes had a difficult moments together. All of this are not as sweet like the ants as what you think. We had it sometimes. To the strangers, and becoming the love, had a war of love, sulking and trying to persuaded between us. This is not easy. To comfort each of us was not like what you had in your mind..

For a few days ago, I had a war with Him. Sulking with my mom (ignore this one cause we're fine now). Akim, I wish I have him now at my beside. Even I am mad with him, for the truth I am not actually. Just want his full attention with me. I knew that I am being such a QUEEN CONTROL but for the fact is, I just want HIM! I've never doing this before with my ex. I can't understand him with all the situation. He's trying to persuaded me but I just ignore him. I just want he to come beside me and persuade me as usual he did. Damn! 

I lost my phone. The number that he gave to me 10 months ago. He buy it in front of me. Same number of us. I'm careless put it over all around the sides. Either I've left or lost in the house or maybe I dropped it in Mira's car yesterday, not sure. Sad cause I can't call him on night before sleep. Even I'm sulking and mad toward him, still do as usual calling even just a while.

I'm sad. I've lost it. I need to find back. As like the little pieces of his heart I throw to somewhere. I need it back. Overnight I'm crying. I need it back. Pleaseeeeeee :'(

Dear Allah, help me, Your servant that full of sins.
 I knee on you, I pray, please do ease my life. My family, Muhammad Fitri Hakim b A Manap.
 Give us Your blessings, Your guidance to keep me through Your Way. I knew, You're Forgiving. Give the happiness to us. I pray to you, O Allah :'( 

" We're not broken, just bent we can learn to love again... "

Wassalam =')

Xoxo, Scha