22 December 2013

Hai and assalamualaikum =)

Can you feel what I feel? Gosh seriously you are?! Hoping the same..

My stomach having butterflies. A weeks! What is going on dude! I think, this is too much weh. Perasaan yang macam tak tentu arah. Lepastuh kepala hotak kau tak boleh fikir benda lain selain ya. Pepaham jelah..

Aku nak nangis. Tapi aku tahan. Aku kuat. Itu jelah. I just need somebody that could hear all of my tears, babbling and so on. Aku rasa down, frustrated and so more! An even I cannot write it here!!!

I just can pray. Hoping things be fine or maybe over. My pray, want it goes well and ease. Aku taknak serabut kepala fikir masalah yang tiada penghujung. Kau tak duduk tempat aku. Apa aku rasa. Aku down sangat :'(

Wasalam =)

Xoxo, Scha