it seems like very tired but have fun . today i saw a very good precious moment at school tyme rest . HAHA . never expect that even i know the real maybe his attitude . oh okay . never mind lhaa kan . that his attitude . okay don't wanna involve in his matter . suke haty dhie lhaa nak tunggang terbalik semua tuh janji i buad cara hidup i :)
good day for me . HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY ! today kat kelas i kutip duit sorang2 duapolup sen . haha ! that because i bendahari kelas so kena lhaa kutip duit . hehe . terpekik terlolong nak suroh budak budak kelas tuh datang kat aku bayar duit . adea yang bayar, adea yang tak . huh ~ adea yang baek haty and jugak muke tak malu suruh aku and biha payungkan diaorang . ecehhhh ~! banyak cantek muke makcek jiran kaw . hahaha .
good day for me . HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY ! today kat kelas i kutip duit sorang2 duapolup sen . haha ! that because i bendahari kelas so kena lhaa kutip duit . hehe . terpekik terlolong nak suroh budak budak kelas tuh datang kat aku bayar duit . adea yang bayar, adea yang tak . huh ~ adea yang baek haty and jugak muke tak malu suruh aku and biha payungkan diaorang . ecehhhh ~! banyak cantek muke makcek jiran kaw . hahaha .

okay really tired today with homework math . dunno should i do . i don't have textbook of math . god ! really sadnees T^T . so what should i do . if i didn't finish it my homework, i will make it again with a 100 question also with answer in A4 paper . grrrr ==' . okay so cruel lhaa teacher :'( perghhhhh ~
wanna make announcement ! MY FRIEND, NUR ATIQA SYUHADA BINTI AZMIN ALREADY BACK HOME FROM A PLACE THAT WE CALLED THAT AS " ASRAMA" . HAHA ! okay never mind . preety zinta muchie muchie i miss you sayang <3
wanna make announcement ! MY FRIEND, NUR ATIQA SYUHADA BINTI AZMIN ALREADY BACK HOME FROM A PLACE THAT WE CALLED THAT AS " ASRAMA" . HAHA ! okay never mind . preety zinta muchie muchie i miss you sayang <3

okay fine was a greating days today . lot a crazier, or maybe PRECIOUS MOMENT between me and all of my friends today . really realized that our life not complete without friends . love to everybody and comfortoble to be who i am . okay now i realize to that me are not regardless to make a mistake . remember that .
schaaaa <3