02 February 2012

Assalamualaikum readers =) How's you guys today? Fine? Alhamdulillah may Allah bless you guys always! 

Mood I hari niyh tak berape nak okay! School suck! For me, nothing anymore for this. Actually I tengah bersabar dengan sorang hamba Allah. That make me feel don't have any respected for her anymore. Such a ridiculous. Oh please! I'm your junior form4. Just give a good manners infront of me. 

Actually its happen yesterday while me and Peah waiting for the Photography club in Curriculum time. That time hamba Allah niyh datang and asking where's another guys in club. In that time, she never say properly with me. For me, she just be so rude. You are senior so then please show me a good manners that can be example for another guys like ME! It's not difficult at all to do that.

And that time, I thought Peah answering her question about that cause that time I tengah perhatikan budak-2 in hall yang berselerak mencari tempat kelab masing-2. Then just ignoring she lhaa cause ingat Peah tengok dia. She ask like this "Eh yang lain mana hah? Budak-2 niyh semua mana?". Oh well then takdea siapa jawab pertanyaan dia. Yang jadik permikiran kat otak I niyh, kan dia dah nampak just me and Peah kat tempat tuh. For what that she asking the question?! Sedangkan dah terang lagik nak bersuluh depan dia tuh. Then after that dia cakap macam niyh sambil menuding jari kat I. 

"Eh cakap dengan dia macam cakap dgn PUND*K lhaa.." 

Okay see how rude she is?! I don't understand why ah still have people like her. She can speak nicely with me. That's not wrong. Tak salah pown. If she wants other people respect her, she must respect other first! That's the law in respected. Remember, if we treat people nicely, people will double triple nicely with us. Remember that! 

Untuk hamba Allah niyh, please okay. If tak puas hati or what tak suka, cakap depan-2! Don't be rude with me. Show a good manners. Ignoring me if not like me at all. Since me form 1 until now you did not show a good attitude. Saya bersabar sahaja. Tak apa lhaa. Satu hari nanti akan dibalas. Bukan menyumpah =)

Okay guys just only that for today. I will update again my blog. Today is good day to be. Be nice  with people. Don't evehh treat them bloody hell. Wassalam =D

Xoxo, Scha <3