Like seriously, I couldn't tell you how I've been thinking about it since Akim told me yesterday about the dream. And I couldn't take it away from escaping me in this way. I wondering that if could be happen, I will spell that he never enter in my life before!
Ya I saw him as usual he went go out to his house. He is thin. More thin that before that I've met him. How?! How can I think that. Told mummy about that. And she not really interesting to hear that. She supposed to hear what my boyfie do for right now.
Akim surely will be mad to hear that. I do not love him anymore but when I saw him automatically, my mind was disappeared to somewhere place. It is six months ago but when you got to do that, I'm not sure it will still barely to think or how.
Maybe I was still here for the hope it not will come to me back. How I wish me and him will never do to meet or so. Hopefully the dreams was just a play land of sleep to Akim and he still stick around me when I need him. The loves and sound from him the mostly things and deepest feeling that I want. No others. Him..
I've been here neighbour-hood place where I met him. The place that can't be change to my family nor him either too. Real place. Being from fat until thin and being thin until fatty this, it can't really being take off. I just being honest and true here in this blog without no one notice it. I do believe this is something gonna be happen back of it. But not that, ask to stay away from us. Me and Akim..
Akim I just need you for not making any arguments off. Make it not hesitation. In a real..
Wassalam =')
Xoxo, Scha