Wehuuuu whats'up guys? Happy? Sad? Laugh? Hmmm let it be :/
Well as you know, this year I'm gonna face a very big things that will decide where the way I should go after my school. It is SPM!!!! Like seriously, the hell you're doing? I mean, are you serious?! I'm not ready yet with it? What should I do? Where? When? Gahhhhhhhhhhhhh all are the fucking fact in November soon. Pathetic me :'(
I didn't do any preparation for my big exam that gonna hit me in this November. I'm still playing, do my works, chilling with my friend, having a sweet date with my love. All of it I did! But not this one. STUDY! No, I don't. Being too much lazy eventho you're already know this is a very big and the most bigger problems in my life now.
Everyday, my mom will nags on me just about it. Same too with Akim. Fuckng bored and I don't want to listen it anymore! Give me some space and some rest to my brain. My brain need the space and rest to let it think clearly about my problems. Didn't you think about it? Pity me. And always did :'(
Wassalam =)
Xoxo, Scha