I can't stop crying! Najib why you do this on me? Did you know how much love I am towards you huh? Did ever you feel it? I know my fault on you. Don't just because of that, you gonna leave me. Forever? :'(
How can I express myself now? You are just bright up my life now and now I'm gonna survive my life alone without you! Tell me now!! I love you much :'(
I know you have nothing! I know you are not special at all. But that's all was not in my eyes. For me, you are different from others! For me, you are the special person. For me, you are the only ONE who cares me like what boys should cares the girl. For me, you are the caring person. For me too, you are THE EVERYTHINGS!!!
We are just getting back fine after the two weeks that day yang gadoh. And now gadoh so then, you're gonna leave me forever. ABANGGGGG!!! Why huh? Why you makes me like this? You don't have any feeling or else towards me anymore after become like this?! :'(
How I wonder you can be apart of my life forever? How I wonder you gonna to be more special for me and forever? How I wonder you will shed my tears? Oh damn!
Tadi jumpa and guess 'em what? I'll tell what happen just can say I'm crying and begging in front of him! Yes I do I'm too much. That was a big mistaken that he had done on me! Arghhhhhh just can believe it..
You are too much angry right that because of it until you make the decision! You make the decision that you :'( Abang, please do read this.
Since you come to my life, there's a bit changes of it. You come and cares of me. Awak jaga saya yang sepatutnya harus dijaga. Aurat saya. Bersyukur sesangat! Sebelum niyh memang tak ada lelaki yang buad macamtuh! Saya rasa macam takde life bila awak dah macam niyh dengan saya. Mungkin awak, you will think like "Alahhhh apa lhaa sangat kan. " But jujur saya cakap, you are the mostly special and very-2 caring person that I'd ever meet! Awak lain sayang. Lain sangat. I know, almost every week we get a fight each other of us but tuh semua buat saya rasa impress sikit sebab awak couple first saya yang gadoh bagai dengan saya. Yang lain sebelum niyh tak. Rasa macam strange kan kalaw sebot perkataan "impress" tuh. Saya tahu jugak ramai orang cakap pasal awak yang awak niyh tak reti jaga makwe. Awak kemana, saya kemana. Saya tahu awak tak tahan dengan semua tuh and awak sabar jeah sampai dah satu tahap niyh awak dah hilang sabar! Maaf saya cabar awak semua niyh. Tapi takpernah terlintas and terpikir saya nak buad tuh semua. Jujur saya katakan. awak niyh tak jahat! Awak baik sesangat. Tapi disebabkan orang sekeliling awak yang beri awak tekanan, awak jadik macam niyh. Saya nak awak tahu yang saya sayangkan awak! Look like a bit awkward when saying like this but it was true! This is what I feel now deeply in my heart. Please do forgive me, Abanggggg :'(
Itu yang terpendam kat hati saya sekarang. Saya tak baca hati awak and you too can't read my heart. But I just can do this to express my feeling towards you! Besuk nak masuk 2months but... Saya tunggu awak kay :')
Xoxo, Scha <3