17 September 2012

Hai and assalamualaikum to all my lovelies reader =)

Happy One Month, Muhammad Fitri Hakim! 

Yes, we're already one month in our relationship and alhamdulillah, I am too much happy. Syukur alhamdulillah. Allah send this guy with a beautiful and sincere heart to me and make me know that I'm not alone cause now I have him that accompany me in my life after Allah S.W.T, Rasulullah S.A.W, my parents and my siblings. That's all! I don't ask more for it but now, it is completely my life, Alhamdulillah :')

One month in relationship, three month we as a friend before he proposed me 2 days before Eid 2012. What a very surprise! Ya, he told me before that he wanna propose me but dunno when. And ya, he proposed me. Face to face with no ring, a bouquet of flowers or chocolate (fasting month can't bring chocolate :P). So lovely. And we're crying together cause we're too much happy! In the car actually. This is the moment that I'm waiting for :'P

And ya, now we're already one month! We're celebrating raya together. Wore a same colors of our baju raya. He buying me a new dress ya maybe. Buy me a perfume that smell so lovely just like me lol! Hahaha ya mostly he spend his money for me but I don't like much.

Sept 12 is his birthday. Ya I buy something for his present. Chocolate and tetttttttt! It is cheap only. But he likes it! Alhamdulillah. And yes, he wore it infront of me last night at his house. Her mum make an open house.  He wore my favorite outfit and wore my present! So naise! Hahahaha kay done I love him :*

I love him so fucking damn much moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! InsyaAllah, we'll be together in Jannah if Allah willing it, Amin :) Pray for us. 

Wassalam =)
Xoxo, Scha