04 October 2012

Hai and assalamualaikum to all my lovelies reader =)

Hey yoo! Guys we're already in October now. Oh gosh time flies so fast! Dear October, please be nice and sexy classy sassy for me please? Hahaha lol -.-

And ya, today I wanna story about this last week. With HIM for sure!!! Arghhhhh demmit

Okay seminggu yang lepas my Honey balik Kluang with no tell me that he nak balik sini. Okay fine. He makes surprised for me yang memang gila babi menyirap semua ada. Sakit hati lhaa jugakkan. That night I called him and ask where's he that time cause background call so noisy and all. And ya, he told me that he is on his auntie stall. Okay then. I ask again! Where's him actually cause saound very noisy and all. He told again, he is in the room of the stall and ya ramai orang kat kedai bising. I'm just quiet while saying, "Okay. Yaa.." Then dia pown cakap, line DG so kimak all those that. I percaya and said, nevermind then. And that night he didn't call me at all! Sedih just waiting his call but dia tak call. Okay fine..

Next day on Tuesday, after I'm reach home back from school he called me. He ask, "Eh tak keluar whateverso!?" I said lhaa no. Wanna go out with who. I don't have a friends here that gonna bring me out. And ya he told me, "Kalaw I ada kat Kluang mesti you keluar dgn I kan.." So ya I said, YES! Hmmmm

1hours later, he called me back and saying, "You keluar rumah.." I feel so strange that time cause usually, he didn't allowed me to go alone! But why that time he so lovely allowed me to go out. Wehhhhhhh so hot lhaa. Panas kay kat luar. Aku dengan belum mandi malas nak keluar ah. He forced me to go out! Memang that time dah kena sumpahan serana lhaa. Before that he called and said he's at Kelantan. Bunyik bising sebab dengar bunyik angin kereta and he denied it he said, no, bunyik kipas roommates bring it from his house! Okay fine mengalah just mengiyakan.

Suddenly, he called me and appeared infront of my house! Fucking shit! What the hell of this?!! And ya I masuk kereta and I punched him! I'm yelling at him but he just smile infront of me while saying this is all just a surprise for me. I feel so touched that time wanna cry but I can't!!!!!!! What so babisssssss

After that, I masuk rumah tanak jumpa dia! Elehhhhh kejab jeah lepastuh masuk kereta suruh dia jalan. Kay dia jalan. In the car, I tak bercakap dengan dia. Dia pujuk for sure I'm just ignore. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

So then when I'm started talk with him, everything is just fine after that. Ya we're happy and all. Me more happy! Crying is the mostly part we've used to do :')

So then ya the next day and all, we're dating and meet and all. Gahhhhhhhhhhhh! All is precious moment and time with him :)

And ya we keep going out in a couple of days ago since he was here. Not a couple of days but a weeks! Trust me. We're just going out and actually he need to study not to going out with me cause I've told ya don't always go out cause you balik sini untuk study week and he ignored it cause he said to me he wanna meet me cause he miss me much! Ya well actually, me too. Hik hik ><'

Then kami keluar, karaoke berjalan semua semua lhaa! Ohhhhhhh best gilaaaaa! Moment kay moment.  Hahahaha seminggu keluar non stop tak kira days or nights even mummy dah warning jangan keluar malam yet, I still do it cause wanna met him. Rindu doeeeeee! Berminggu-2 ceq nangis rindu dia. Haaaa nampak tak poyo? Hahahaha

So last day I met him on Tuesday, we're going some place that so sentimental for me! Hahahaha the place where are we've met and got falls in love. Ya maybe I can tell it just like a first sight love. Hahahaha part niyh poyo. Okay Roibo tempat kitaorang awal jumpa yang dia nak usha gua tak dapat. Haaaaa tak dapat jak kaw time tuh. Padan muke kaw! Hahaha he accompany me makan sebab lapar balik sekolah aku tak makan apa sampai keluar tuh. So dia temankan makan macam biasa. Well actually banyak diam that time cause wanna remember the first we saw each other and tak bertegur cause that time I'd thinking, "Okay wanna accost him but sorry I knew you're not knowing me cause I'm not the one hotstuff kat Kluang. Pity me T.T". Liddat ah a bit. Hihihiih :D

Then after that, kitaorg pergi tasik. First place masa date dulu. Hahahaha laka-2 lhaa weyh. Okay aku mendiamkan diri sebab aku teringat masa awal-2 date tuh kan. Aduhhhhhh -.-

And that time kena marah jugak ah dengan dia sebab dia pelik dengan perangai aku yang jadik pendiam. I just want him know that I'm trying remembered all those memories between me and him! Dah nak masuk 4bulan kay. Okay tak sambut pown sebab dia kat Kelantan and I just boleh mengharap tempat yang dia bawak as present annimonthsary of us! The place that we'd met and first date and all! Okay he said to me, "Are you already dumb?" Okay memang terasa nak nangis but just ignored and smiling. I used the way the we took before. 

He just followed me up there. Ya look like a stupid enough when the boy followed girl but NOT GIRL! Okay then.. Masuk kereta kena marah kena bebel. I just do ignore sambil makan jambu batu kering that I'd buy at KM. Lalala sampai satu masa I can't take it and I'm crying. Hmmm how I wish he understand me why I'm just silent and smiling in front of him! How I wish he remembered the way that I took when the first time we're date and talking, story some stuff and all. Ya I'm crying :'(

I have a reason why I do all of that. And that time, I just feel want to whisper at his ear while saying, "Do you remember all of this, Honey? :)". If I could do that, I will but my mouth so heavy that time wanna tell him and the mostly thing I do that time is, smiling. Remembered memories. So sentimental for me! I don't even cared what you guys wanna say about it but it is too much precious in my life that I couldn't have it in TWICE! :'(

I'm over crying to him cause I'm so terrified if I need to lose him one day and I hope so it will not happen in my life. So then please do favor keep me calm when I'm trying and he did it. Don't want lose my loved one like I lose it before. Don't wanna be same like before. So terrified. Everyday I'm just only can pray for our relationship hope nothing bad happen to us. And crying for sure. Hmmm :'/

Here some latest photos from us during last week. Tak banyak pongggggg :P

Okay this time at McD ada krisis time dalam kereta laka-2 ohhhh -__-

Gheti jeah senyum leklok. Memang tak lhaaa~ Hahaha

2hours we spent time together at karaoke. Memang noob time niyh sumpah

Smileeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

And ya the story end here :)


Weh kejabbbbbbbbbb!! Ada lagik satu gambar niyh. Jab jab hihi

Teneneneneneeeeeee *lagu Nokia 3310*

Wanna know the reason what? He wore my favorite outfit, the blue jeans shirt and also the present that I gave to him for his birthday last month. I see how much he appreciated the present that I gave cause usually when we go out together, I will said and ask, "What an ugly watch! Who gave you huh? *muka tak puas hati*" . And he will replied it, "My fiancee, Shazleena yang bagi for my present :)" . Okay that time I will stop asking him and smile. Nak nanez pown adewww hua hua hua :'3

So then ya. This one is truly end here. Hahaha so haaaaa~ 

Muhammad Fitri Hakim b A. Manap,

Wassalam =)

Xoxo, Scha