14 December 2013

Hai and assalamualaikum to all my lovelies reader =)

Oh rindunya dekat blog. Rindu gila! Dulu masa zaman kegemilangan, hari-2 nak post entry. Balik sekolah, up! Up! And again. Hehe

Now aku dah habis sekolah. Oh I'm so glad to knowing it! But, I'm going to miss it. Bukan senang. I meant, senang tinggal tapi kenangan kita tak mungkin senang untuk dilupakan. Banyak sangat kenangan manis, pahit, tawar, lesir semua. How can I forget bout it? Wish I will never forgetting all the kind memories. I'm so in loved with it! Sigh..

Dekat dua minggu jugak aku dah habis sekolah. Sorry. I cannot up some of the photos when I'm in school. Either past or the new one. Gambar aku habis periksa SPM haritu ada satu je. Yang lain, burn! Cause that day on my way balik Kluang from KL, in the bus I accidentally terrrrrrrrrrr delete my camera's album! Gosh meraung aku dalam bas. Called my Akim and ask him to help me to get the photos back! Impossible of course. So now, I just let it be. I have it. In my mind. I know I can bearly to save it. Okay, never mind!

So, I'm a jobless now. Photography? Taktahu lah nak sambung ke dak. Macam dah takde hati. Aku cepat berubah. Hobi aku tak tentu. Susah hidup! Cemana akan datang nak kerja? Dah lah cerewet! Kay ngutuk diri sendiri. Takpeeeeeeeee ekekeke

So just that for tonight. Sebab dah malam kan. Besuk aku up lagik. Badan penat sakit-2. Dah berapa hari tak boleh tido. Kalau tido pun pukul 3 atau 4 pagi. Gila. Insomniaaaaaaaa!!!

Wassalam =)

Xoxo, Scha