22 November 2011

Harimau Malaya memang ohsem ! Lol I'm just can't believe that Malaysia won this game . And I'm just watch this games at home only with my sister, mummy and cousin . So then, I imagine macam mana lhaa dekat kedai-2 mamak, or else or maybe they guys pergi tasik watch this games ? Lol for sure they guys scream loudly 'MALAYSIA MENANG WEYH !!! MALAYSIAA MENANG !!! WOHOOOOO !!!!!' . Oh no kalaw I memang menjerit balik situ then lari masuk kereta tutup telinga ! Kat rumah tadi pown dah menjerit dgn akak mummy relax buad bodoh tengok tv . Ahahahaha ! Update status FB bagai nak pecah screen keypad tuh . Yo-yo-oo jeah update . Hahaha . Btw, Khairul Fahmi tadi memang handsome ! Oh my gosh, what should I say, What should I do ! Dia handsome gilaaaaaa ~ Kalaw lhaa dia jadik boyf aku kan best ! Hehehe

I love you, Khairul Fahmi Che Mat a.k.a Apek 


Xoxo, Scha <3